<%@LCID = 1034%> <% Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "no-cache" Response.Expires = -1 ValorIVA = Application("IVA") Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") strConn = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=www.gextcomputer.com;DATABASE=deltashop;UID=gextcomputer;PWD=deltashop05; OPTION=3" conn.open strConn Session("PaginaOrigen") = "index.asp" on error resume next %> Gextcomputer, S.L. - Distribuidores de Material Informático


Teléfono centralita: 91 499 03 02    Fax:  91 499 03 29

Gextcomputer, S.L., Distribuidores de material informático

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<% strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbl_Familias order by FAMILIA" set rs=conn.Execute(strSQL) do while not rs.EOF %>

="" style="text-decoration: none" target="_self" onmouseover="this.style.textDecoration='underline'" onmouseout="this.style.textDecoration='none'" href='tb_articulos.asp?IDFAMILIA=<%=rs("IDFAM")%>'> <%=rs("FAMILIA")%> <% rs.MoveNext loop rs.Close %>

Nuestras Marcas



Bolsa de trabajo


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Precios por familias

Precios por marcas

Lista de precios

<% if Session("UID") <> "" AND Session("TIPOUSER") > 0 then strIVA = "PVD - IVA NO INCLUIDO" else strIVA = "PVP - IVA INCLUIDO" %>

Gextcomputer, S.L.

<% if Session("UID")<>"" then%>

Cliente: <%=ucase(Session("NOMBREUSER"))%>

<%end if%>


Artículos en Promoción

<% FechaLocal = DateAdd("h", +Application("HoraMadrid"), Now) %>

<%=FormatDateTime(FechaLocal, vbLongDate)%>

<% Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strSQL = "SELECT idart, codart, descrip, nomimg, caracter, pvd, pvp FROM tbl_art WHERE promo <> 0" rs.Open strSQL, conn %>
<% do until rs.EOF %> <% rs.MoveNext loop rs.Close set rs=nothing set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") sql = "select NSESIONES from tbl_totales where IDUSER = 1" rs.Open sql, conn Visitas = rs("NSESIONES") rs.close set rs=nothing conn.Close set conn = nothing %>
<% if isnull(rs("nomimg")) or rs("nomimg") = "" then NombreImagen = "GEXT50.JPG" else NombreImagen = rs("nomimg") end if %>

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<%=rs("descrip")%> <% lngTexto = 190 strCaracter = trim(rs("caracter")) if strCaracter <> "" or not isnull(strCaracter) then if len(strCaracter) > lngTexto then strDescrip = left(strCaracter, lngTexto) posicion = InStrRev(strDescrip, " ") strDescrip = left(strDescrip, posicion) & "..." else strDescrip = strCaracter end if else strDescrip = "- Sin descripción -" end if %>

<%=strDescrip%> <% if strCaracter <> "" or not isnull(strCaracter) then %> más <% end if %>

<% if Session("UID") <> "" AND Session("TIPOUSER") > 0 then %>

PVD: <%=FormatNumber(rs("PVD"),2,-1,-1)%> <% else %>

PVP: <%=FormatNumber(rs("PVP") + (rs("PVP") * ValorIVA),2,-1,-1)%> <% end if %>


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Distribuidores de Material Informático

Gextcomputer, S.L. Unipersonal

c/Magnolia, 7

28522 Rivas Urbanizaciones (Madrid) Spain

Tfno: 91 499 03 02 - Fax: 91 499 03 29


Copyright © 2003-<%=year(now)%> manbos.com

<% If err Then response.write "
Error: " & err.description & "

" 'se ha producido un error Else 'todo va bien End If err.Clear On Error GoTo 0 %>